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LOVE | WWF Deutschland

This film is about an unusual friendship, loyalty, about destruction and an ancient tree. We want to tell you this story because we lose our trees every day. Every minute we destroy 21 hectares of our forests world wide. And that despite the fact that forests are important habitats, help to preserve our biodiversity and stabilise our climate. More and more, we humans are disconnecting ourselves from nature. And in the end, we are only harming ourselves.
It is time to act.

With this film we want to wake people up, touch them and inspire them to see our trees with different eyes and act to protect them. 🌲

More information here:

Text: ©Osho „The Tree and Love“, Osho International Foundation.
Music: ©Max Richter/Universal Music
Narrator: Joachim Kerzel
Footage: ©WWF Germany/Anne Thoma, Petja Gohr, Niklas Kolorcz, Shutterstock
Film by: ©WWF Germany/Anne Thoma


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