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Ertappt: Süße Schneeleoparden-Babys in China gefilmt | WWF Deutschland

Ertappt: Süße Schneeleoparden-Babys in China gefilmt. WWF Deutschland — Weltweit aktiv für den Naturschutz. Jetzt abonnieren ►

The credit belongs to our partner, Yanchiwan National Nature Reserve. The videos were captured by a camera-trap set in the core zone of Yanchiwan nature reserve in Qilianshan mountain range, on 8th Sep 2017. The nature reserve was established in 1982, for its abundant wildlife, but has no administration authority until 2007. The area of the reserve is as huge as about 13,600km2, which is very crucial in ecosystem services for the Silk Road.

WWF China has been working in the reserve for snow leopard conservation since 2016. We, together with another partner Beijing Forestry University, supported the monitoring team to do a comprehensive snow leopard monitoring in 2017, totally 170 camera-traps has been set during the spring and summer time. This camera, set in May and retrieved in October, was located in a most remote valley where has barely been visited by human before, gives us an impressive knowledge on the status of snow leopard in this region.

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